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Saturday, March 19, 2011

State Budget Cuts Library Funding

Editorial by Tommi Myers, Manager, Llano Branch Library

Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest.
~Lady Bird Johnson

The quote above by Lady Bird Johnson reminds me just what a library means to a community. Everyone is welcome -- it doesn't matter if you are young or old, rich or poor, whether you are interested in the latest best seller or looking for research material on any subject. The library is here for everyone to use and enjoy in whatever way suits them. Free public libraries were formed by the people for the people and have become an American institution.
I also thought the quote this month to be quite fitting with the disturbing news we received at the end of January concerning library budget cuts on the state level. Since we are a democracy, we play a major role in how our elected officials conduct business -- and also in their re-election. Let them know what you think about the proposed cuts.
The proposed budget ELIMINATES:
* Loan Star Libraries (direct aid to public libraries)
-- the Llano Libraries purchase audio books and Net Library eAudio Books with these funds
* All state funding for TexShare Databases
-- includes the Handbook of Texas Online, Heritage Quest Online, NetLibrary, and much more. The libraries will be required to pay full amount for access
* The K-12 Database Program (used by public schools)
* State funding for library development
-- includes workshops, continuing education and consulting that our librarians rely on for keeping current with library services for our community
* And much more such as InterLibrary Loan, and TANG grants for the consultant to help with computer problems
"Most states fund community libraries with an investment of roughly 10% of their budgets; even with the Loan Star program, the State of Texas has only been contributing about 1% of total public library funding.
In addition to these cuts, Texas libraries also stand to lose over $8 million in federal funds -- and perhaps more. As a heavily populated state, Texas is eligible for substantial and vital funding. Texas now gets about $11.5 million/year from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. To secure this money, Texas must meet a basic match for support of library services and a maintenance of effort (MoE) requirement. At a time when people are out of work and relying on libraries in record number, the state cannot afford to allow statewide library services to decline." from Texas Library Association
Texas libraries are in danger! Your support is needed! Write elected officials to oppose cuts to libraries. Ask your friends, neighbors and everyone you can think of to send messages as well. Or better yet, call them.
Names and contact information for our local representatives are listed below.
If you would like more information about how this will directly affect the Llano County Library System, you may contact Dian Ray, Director, at 325-247-5248 or by email at llano@llano-library-system.net.

Send these Texas State Representatives a letter or give them a call to let them know how important your local library is to you.

* State Senator Troy Fraser
101 US 281 N. Suite 203
Marble Falls, Texas 78654

* State Representative
Jimmie Don Aycock
Room EXT E2.506
PO Box 2910
Austin, Texas 78768

* State Representative
Harvey Hilderbran
125 Lehrmann Drive
Kerrville, Texas 78028

Thank you for your continued support of public libraries.

(You may also sign a petition at:

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